workshop approach
Marie-Gabrielle leads an annual residential land based workshop in Pembrokeshire each year, co-taught with Nick Parkin.
Marie-Gabrielle teaches regular workshops in London, nationally and internationally.
To find forthcoming Butoh classes and workshops please visit
Butoh Workshop and Class Content
Rotie's teaching embraces the lineages of both Kazuo Ohno and Tatsumi Hijikata. She has studied with a very wide range of Butoh and Body Weather teachers in Japan and Europe since 1992 and her teaching has now evolved into her own methods.
She aims to communicate working with both Form and Spirit. She does not encourage students to copy her movement, but rather gives a valuabe space for artistic creation and investigation.
Participants are introduced to the value and power of working from imagination and from guided poetic imagery as tools for transformation: the body can discover many selves and extend into animal, plant or non-human entities.
Each session begins with intensive body training incorporating somatics, voice and Butoh techniques that concentrate on wave, spiral and circular movement patterns allied to breath and voice. Butoh walks are taught as tools for realising the power of movement within stillness, silence and emptiness.
Group and solo structures allow participants time to explore the fluid interface between inner and outer space and to enjoy the delicious quality of slow motion work allied to working with dynamic energy and impulses.
Selected Previous Clients
Northern School of Contemporary Dance,
Goldsmiths College University of London
(BA and MA since 2001)
Trinity Laban
Dartington College of the Arts
University of Falmouth
Central School of Speech and Drama
East 15 acting school (BA:World performance)
University of Hull, Scarborough
Nuffiled Theatre in Lancaster
Centre for Performance Research
in Aberystwyth
Festival of World Culture in Dublin 2005,
Welsh Independent Dance
Royal Shakespeare Company
Royal National Theatre
Royal Opera House/Education
Royal Festival Hall/Education
London Philharmonic Orchestra/Education
Take Art/Somerset
Dance City/Newcastle
London Metropolitan University
University of Palermo
Cheshire Dance Agency
Swindon Dance
The Place Theatre (Summer School)
Laban Summer School
Munich - Tanzfabric
Ex-it Shloss Brollin 1994
Cafe Reason in Oxford
Movement 12 in Brighton
Sadler's Wells over 60s group
Mountview Acting Academy
Barnet College of Arts
Newham Vic Performing Arts
Worth Abbey School, Three Bridges
Ventor Middle School Isle of Wight
Colstons Collegiate School Bristol
Charles Darwin School Kent
Dunraven Middle School London